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Roald DahlA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Dahl is sent to a boarding school called St. Peters at the age of nine. He travels with his mother from the Cardiff Docks to Weston-super-Mare across the Bristol Channel, where the English school is located. He takes with him a tuckbox (a wooden chest containing his clothing and possessions) engraved with his name.
Dahl’s new headmaster encourages Dahl’s mother not to linger with her son, so she leaves. Dahl, who has never been away from his family, begins to cry.
Every week, the boys must sit and write a letter home to their parents. This is a practice that Dahl faithfully maintains; he writes to his mother for the rest of her life, including from Kenya, Egypt, and Iraq during the war when he is stationed there with the Royal Air Force. He signs his letters Boy,” the nickname that he was given as his mother’s only son.
The headmaster peers over the boys’ shoulders as they write, ostensibly checking their spelling and grammar. Dahl suggests that he is actually checking whether the boys are writing anything critical about the school.
Dahl recounts the terrifying figure of the Matron, who oversees the boys in their dormitories and is quick to send any misbehaving boys to the Headmaster for caning. She treats any ailments harshly, ripping lint from cuts and administering white medicine to cause constipation in any boys suffering from diarrhea. One night, she shaves soap into the open mouth of a snoring boy, admonishing him that “only the lower classes snore” and that it is a disgusting habit (106).
A brave peer sprinkles sugar all over the floor of the hallway when the boys are in bed. The furious Matron demands to know who is responsible, but the boys will not turn in their friend, and he does not own up to it. As punishment, all the boys’ tuckbox keys are confiscated until the next break.
Incredibly homesick, Dahl decides to fake a case of appendicitis, having seen the symptoms in his older sister. The Matron, worried, sends for a doctor, who decides that Dahl should be sent home. Dahl is overjoyed boarding the boat back to Wales, believing his ruse was successful. However, the family’s local doctor at Llandaff immediately realizes that Dahl is faking his illness. He understands that Dahl is homesick and assures him that he will not tell the school, but he makes Dahl promise that he will not fake his illness again.
Dahl joyously returns home for Christmas break, relieved to be free of the strictness of boarding school for a few weeks. His older half-sister takes the family for a drive in their new motor car, having received two half-hour lessons on how to operate it. The children in the back—Dahl and his siblings—yell from the back for their sister to go faster; encouraged, she speeds down the country roads. Suddenly, she comes upon a sharp bend and loses control of the car, which crashes into a bush. All the passengers fly through the glass of the windshields. (There is a windshield separating the front and back passengers, as well as one at the front of the car.) Only Dahl is seriously hurt; his nose is cut almost completely off his face. The family goes to the hospital in Cardiff. A doctor tapes Dahl’s nose to his face but follows the family back to their home, where he performs the operation of stitching Dahl’s nose back on. Dahl wakes to find that his mother gave him a gold sovereign (a coin) to reward him for his bravery.
Dahl describes a particularly terrifying master (i.e., teacher) at school, Captain Hardcastle. He dislikes all the boys, but he seems to especially detest the young Dahl and constantly finds reasons to snap at and berate him. One evening during Prep (an hour in the evening when the boys are required to silently work), Dahl’s pen nib breaks. He tries to silently ask the boy beside him to lend him one, but Hardcastle sees his mouth moving and immediately explodes, assuming that Dahl is trying to cheat. Dahl is given a “stripe”—a negative strike against his name for the term—and a thrashing for “talking in Prep, trying to cheat and lying” (142).
The next day, Dahl is humiliated when he must submit his stripe to the Headmaster in front of the school. He reports to the Headmaster in his study afterward and explains that he was simply trying to borrow a pen nib. The Headmaster believes Hardcastle rather than Dahl and cautions Dahl against calling his teacher a liar. Dahl receives six strokes of the cane on his bottom; these are each incredibly painful, taking weeks to heal. Dahl’s classmates are kind and sympathetic.
Dahl is in the sick room for a few days with a bad flu. In the bed next to his is a seven-year-old boy named Ellis who is suffering from an inflamed boil on his inner thigh. A doctor comes to inspect both boys. Dahl is deemed well enough to return to school the following day. The doctor asks the Matron for a towel while inspecting Ellis’s boil, and—to the boy’s shock and horror—throws the towel into his face, presumably as a distraction, and cuts into the center of the large boil with a scalpel. Ellis screams in pain. The doctor instructs the Matron to dress the wound and leaves.
The younger children in the Dahl family feel annoyed by their eldest half-sister’s engagement to a British doctor, because the couple tends to want to spend time alone on the family’s annual Norway summer holiday. As a form of revenge, Dahl, supported by his siblings, tips the tobacco out of the half-sister’s fiancé’s pipe and replaces it with goat’s dung while the pair are swimming. When he returns to the shore of the island and smokes, the fiancé is reduced to a fit of coughing and spluttering. The siblings taunt him that he is smoking “goat’s tobacco” and quickly jump into the water to escape his anger.
Dahl recalls his days at boarding school as mostly unpleasant, although he does celebrate the bonds formed with loyal and kind friends through the hardships meted upon them: “Small boys can be very comradely when a member of their community has got into trouble” (148). These chapters further develop the theme of The Horrors of Boarding School and Violent Discipline. The harshness of boarding school is traumatic for Dahl and causes a lifelong aversion to cruelty and violence, particularly when they are directed toward children. The memory of crying as his mother leaves him at boarding school is sufficiently traumatic to be recalled in vivid detail many decades later. Furthermore, the schoolmasters and the Matron are characterized as terrifying tyrants.
The schoolmaster gives Dahl “the kind of flashing grin a shark might give to a small fish just before he gobbles it up” when Dahl first arrives at the school (91). This metaphor, although it fits Dahl’s humorous way of presenting frightening authority figures, also speaks to the young boy’s very real fear of this cruel and adversarial man. This fear turned out to be founded, as is made clear in the anecdote of being caned by the Headmaster after being falsely accused by the equally terrifying and cruel Captain Hardcastle of cheating during Prep. Dahl’s voice becomes “slightly hysterical” with fear and frustration as he insists that he wasn’t cheating but simply needed another pen nib. He is made to hold his ankles and bites onto his lower lip to stop himself from crying from the “frightful searing agonizing unbearable burning across the buttocks” as he is beaten for an offense he did not commit (146). Dahl’s humiliation and devastation, as well as the very real and “frightful” pain suffered for weeks afterward, are made clear; the writing provokes sympathy with Dahl and justifies the boys’ well-founded hatred of the adversarial teachers and administrators.
Furthermore, the Headmaster and Captain Hardcastle are characterized as almost sadistic in their apparent joy in maximizing Dahl’s pain and humiliation. The Headmaster “pause[s] between strokes to allow the agony to reach its peak” while caning Dahl (146). Furthermore, the door is intentionally left open, presumably by Captain Hardcastle, when this punishment takes place, and Dahl imagines him smugly “snorting with satisfaction at every singing stroke” (148).
Similarly, the Matron is also characterized as a terrifying figure who clearly takes joy in ensuring that children are punished. Dahl reflects that “there seems little doubt that the Matron disliked small boys very much indeed […] she never smiled at us or said anything nice” (99). On the contrary, as with the other school staff, she takes clear pleasure in causing the young boys pain and distress.
The Matron sends young boys to be caned by the Headmaster with clear “relish,” “standing at the top of the stairs listening” to the crack of the cane (99). Dahl condemns the cruelty of these individuals who are entrusted with the care of children far from home but make their lives stressful and unpleasant. Dahl’s time at boarding school informs his creation of the infamous character Mrs. Trunchbull, the villain of his widely celebrated children’s novel Matilda.
Dahl also threads the theme of Archaic Medical and Safety Standards through these chapters. As in previous chapters, he reflects on the degree to which medical treatments have evolved since the 1920s, this time in describing the treatment of Ellis’s boil. The doctor throws a towel into the confused boy’s face to distract him before slicing into him with a scalpel with no warning. When he manages to remove the towel, “tears [are] streaming down his cheeks” (151). Typical of her cruel indifference, the Matron snaps at Ellis to not “make such a fuss about nothing” (153). Dahl positions the reader to sympathize with Ellis’s pain and shock at this unusual treatment by posing the proposition to the reader: “I doubt very much if you would be entirely happy today if a doctor threw a towel in your face and jumped on you with a knife” (151). As is often the case, Dahl’s humorous tone is belied somewhat by the distressing content, and he continues his pattern of engaging the reader directly when discussing barbaric medical practices.
Dahl again reflects on how much the world has changed in his memories of the car crash involving his family. His half-sister receives only two short lessons on how to operate the car, which is “considered quite sufficient … in that enlightened year of 1925” (119). Dahl’s reflections on these lax attitudes to driving are clearly tongue in cheek; his sister’s lack of preparation is made clear in the car crash that sends the family members through the respective windshields of the car and leads to Dahl’s almost losing his nose. As in many of his anecdotes, the content is both humorous and distressing. He again explores the casual way that serious medical procedures are administered in this time by calling attention to the circumstances of the reattachment of his nose, an operation that takes place at the family’s table with a sheet thrown over it.
By Roald Dahl
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