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Counterfeit plays on assumptions about Asian Americans that are prevalent in conversations about communities of color in the US. The term Asian American, a label that emerged in the late 1960s, groups together several distinct cultures and ethnicities, including Americans who trace their descent to East Asian countries like China and Japan, Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and the Philippines, South Asian countries like India and Pakistan, and the South Pacific Islands.
Asian Americans are sometimes referred to as a “model minority” because they are perceived, individually and collectively, as intelligent, well educated, and especially gifted in math and science. They are presumed to be law-abiding, prosperous, self-sufficient. Though these traits seem positive, they are racist stereotypes. As Connie Hanzhang Jin reports for NPR, the myths of the “model minority” are harmful as well as untrue. The perceptions disguise the divisions among different Asian groups in culture, educational achievement, and financial security (Hanzhang Jin, Connie. “6 Charts That Dismantle the Trope of Asian Americans as a Model Minority.” NPR, 25 May 2021). American Psychologist reports that because of the “model minority” myth, Asian Americans are assumed to escape the burdens of racism or systematic discrimination that most visibly confront other communities of color, including Black and Latin Americans (“Asian Americans: Model or Marginalized Minority?” American Psychologist, 19 Aug. 2021). This invisibility leads to other disadvantages as well.
In effect, myths of a “model minority” make the struggles of Asian Americans less visible and disguise the prejudices they may face. Their needs for public health or mental health services may be dismissed or seen as less acute than the needs of others. Racism and discrimination against Asian Americans tends to be unrecognized and unstudied, even when anti-Asian hate crimes gain national attention. Ava notes in Counterfeit that she often felt invisible growing up because she was high-achieving and followed the rules. Winnie and Ava take advantage of these perceptions by hiring Asian American women to be personal shoppers in their counterfeit scheme.
More than a useful carrying container, a designer handbag functions as a fashion statement, an accessory that completes a look, adds flair to an outfit, and signals wealth and status. Luxury handbags may be considered an investment as they are made of quality materials and designed to be durable. Beyond craftsmanship, the price of designer handbags reflects their exclusivity and demand, as brands release a limited number of bags each season, and there can be waiting lists for a desirable style.
Notable luxury designers include Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, Bottega Veneta, and Balenciaga. Brands like Coach and Michael Kors are considered less desirable because they are more widely available—exclusivity is part of a designer bag’s appeal. One of the most coveted handbags is the Birkin, designed by Hermès. Birkins can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars—with one bag selling for more than $450,000—and buyers looking for particular style or colorway may have to wait years before it becomes available (“Everything You Need to Know About Buying an Hermès Bag.” Vogue, 17 Jul. 2023). Luxury bags are sold at designer shops and high-end department stores; select or vintage models can reach record prices at auctions.
There is a brisk and legal trade in designer replicas, which often imitate popular designer styles but do not use the same materials or trademarks. Replicas advertised as such make no claims to being the work of the designer labels but instead claim to be “inspired by” them. “Superfakes,” counterfeit bags that claim to be one-to-one replicas, are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing, duplicating the same materials, craftsmanship, label, and other identifying marks (Wang, Amy X. “Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Bags.” New York Times, 5 May 2023). Unlike replicas, these counterfeit bags are illegal.
Authenticators are individuals with training and experience who are hired to distinguish if an item is the original or a replica. They look at elements like materials, stitching, hardware, stamping, serial codes, and other identifying information. Those attempting to pass a replica or counterfeit bag as an original are committing fraud and subject to penalty under the law. In some countries, like France, just owning one can result in steep fines or even imprisonment. Because Winnie and Ava are procuring their counterfeits from China, an illegal trade taking place side-by-side with Boss Mak’s legitimate business, the US Department of Homeland Security becomes involved in investigating Ava.