45 pages • 1 hour read
Roald DahlA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Nine-year-old Danny is the narrator and protagonist of the story. He is an only child who lives with his father, William, in an old, sparsely furnished, one-room, “Romani caravan.” Danny’s father is a master mechanic, who owns a small filling station with 2 pumps and a well-equipped workshop. Unlike the workshop, the caravan has no electricity, so Danny and his father use a kerosene lamp and burner for light and cooking and a wood-burning stove for heat. Danny’s mother died when he was a baby, but he remembers a blissfully happy childhood growing up with his devoted father and muses that he “never had a moment’s unhappiness or illness” (3). Danny and his father share a bunk bed and sleeping with his father close by brings Danny immense comfort and joy.
Despite not being an educated man, William is a talented storyteller who delights Danny every evening with bedtime stories, some of which run over several nights. One of these stories is about a kind giant who catches children’s dreams, turning the good dreams into powders that turn the dreams into real, marvelous adventures for the children. “The Big Friendly Giant” is one of Danny’s favorite stories, and it takes “at least fifty nights” (9) for Danny’s father to complete it. Danny describes his father as “the most marvelous and exciting father any boy ever had” (8).
William is a gifted and passionate mechanic, so it is not surprising that Danny also loves working on engines. When Danny turns five years old, he is legally required to attend school, but William decides to keep him home for another two years to perfect his blossoming skills as a mechanic. By the time Danny is seven years old, he can “take a small engine to pieces and put it together again […] piston and crankshaft and all” (16). William doesn’t have a car, so when Danny starts school his father walks him to the village in the morning and home at the end of the school day. When Danny is not at school, he is busy creating things with his father. Danny is “never bored. It was impossible to be bored in my father’s company” (17). Together they make a functional kite out of sticks and an old shirt, a “fire balloon” out of tissue paper, a treehouse, a bow and arrow, stilts, and a boomerang. As a surprise for Danny’s eighth birthday, his father makes him a soapbox car, complete with four bicycle wheels, a brake pedal, steering wheel, comfortable seat, and a large front bumper. Danny is a happy eight-year-old who is looking forward to being nine because it seems that the years keep getting better and better.
William has no material wealth; the filing station, caravan, and small adjoining meadow are all he owns. However, Dahl imbues the reader with the intense emotional wealth that exists between William and Danny and in their love of their simple life together. The narrative is told from Danny’s perspective, so the loss of his mother when he was just a few months old is told in a matter-of-fact way since, being so young, he has no memory of her. Danny’s world revolves around his father whom he idolizes. The Powerful Bond Between Father and Son is a theme that runs throughout the book and begins with Danny’s appreciation of the baby “chores” that his father took over. The affectionate descriptions of being bathed in a basin and the idyllic depiction of the simple caravan as an “old […] wagon with big wheels and fine patterns” (5) capture Danny’s positive and optimistic outlook on life. To Danny, the rundown caravan is a magical home, and he openly expresses, “I really loved living in that […] caravan” (7). Instead of finding the tiny caravan claustrophobic, Danny loves the intimacy and enjoys cooking, heating, and lighting the caravan the “same way as the [Romani] had done years ago” (6) and seeing everything as an adventure rather than hardship.
When Danny describes his father, he gives an insight into his father’s personality rather than detailing his appearance. Tiny details drawn from years of being so physically and emotionally close are shared. He describes William as an “eye-smiler” (9), with “tiny little golden sparks dancing in the middle of each eye” (9). Danny talks about the intent look that comes over his father as he tells stories and his father’s gentle hands that envelope his own. Danny leaves the reader in no doubt about his feelings: “It is impossible to tell you how much I loved my father” (11).
In these early chapters, Dahl introduces William as a master mechanic; a wonderful, creative storyteller; an endlessly kind and devoted single father; and a humble human being who is content with and appreciates the simple things in life. In summary, a perfect man. Dahl endears William to his audience, ensuring they will root for him throughout the book. These idyllic descriptions also set up the theme of The Gray Area Between Right and Wrong in that they clearly paint William as a good man with little to no animosity in him. This strong impression encourages the reader to be sympathetic and forgiving once William’s enjoyment of illegal activity is revealed and as he and Danny plan and execute what is effectively a crime. Instead of being appalled at deliberate criminal behavior, the reader can laugh along with William and his friends and enjoy the comeuppance of the snooty upper-class man no one likes anyway.
By Roald Dahl
Action & Adventure
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