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Jocko Willink, Leif BabinA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
An Iraqi police colonel’s teenage nephew gets kidnapped by insurgents. They demand $50,000 ransom, but often, on payment, these groups execute the hostage anyway. SEALs get the call to rescue the teen. Gathering intel and coordinating closely with Army units, Babin’s platoon locates the kidnap house, plans carefully, and rehearses. Late at night, the SEALs sneak up on the house, Iraqi soldiers alongside them. They have reports that the grounds are booby-trapped with IEDs and that machine gun nests guard it.
Scanning carefully for buried bombs—it turns out there are none, nor any gun nests—the team silently moves to the front door and blows it open. The team catches the kidnappers completely by surprise; not a shot is fired; SEALs retrieve the teenager unharmed. During the raid, the Iraqi soldiers are timid, but they get the credit for the rescue anyway, mainly to improve their reputation with the city’s civilians.
A year later, Babin presents this kidnap scenario to a group of new SEAL platoon commanders at a training session in the US. At the mention of possible IEDs and machine gun bunkers, several trainees suggest replanning or canceling the mission. Babin asks, “On what capture/kill direct-action raid can you be certain there are no IEDs buried in the yard or bunkered machine gun positions in the house?” (203). Every mission must anticipate that risk.
Careful planning is key to success. A mission should be tightly and clearly described so it stays on course and complies with an “end state,” also called the “Commander’s Intent.” Research must be highly detailed; plans should make full use of available assets and expertise. All of this is delegated as far down the chain of command as possible so that front-line team members have a sense of ownership in the mission and bring their best ideas forward. Senior leaders keep an eye on the process and check for holes in the plan that those in the trenches might not see.
Once complete, the plan is explained simply and concisely to prevent “information overload.” The plan must minimize risk and draw contingency plans. The plan should settle on the best and simplest course of action. After the mission, a debriefing session reviews lessons learned.
The regional manager for a company’s highly successful emerging markets division balks at her boss’s obsession with planning. Babin tells how he, too, once felt that way but learned its importance.
During training back in the US, platoon leaders practiced placing plans onto dozens of PowerPoint slides. Time always was short, and the leaders focused on the slides at the expense of actual plan quality. During his first deployment in Iraq, Babin quickly abandons tedious planning procedures and takes his squads on missions where they tend to wing it.
Babin transfers to Willink’s Task Unit Bruiser, where additional training teaches him to return to full planning and write-up. Only a few platoons will be posted to Iraq, and the final exercise and its planning phase will decide who gets to go. Babin and his fellow platoon commander quickly realize their PowerPoint briefing is overly complex with crucial gaps. Willink tells them to stop worrying about impressing the judging officers and focus on whether their platoons understand the brief.
Babin and the other commander simplify and clarify their brief, reduce the number of PowerPoint slides, and use wall maps and dry-erase boards. They focus on the big picture, especially the Commander’s Intent, and answer all questions from the troops until everyone’s clear about the goals. Junior leaders sort out details with their squads. Evaluators report that this briefing is the most understandable of all, and Task Unit Bruiser gets deployed to Iraq. They employ and improve the same briefing techniques hundreds of times in Ramadi.
Babin’s consulting team teaches a firm’s emerging markets division the Task Unit Bruiser planning technique. The doubtful regional manager later reports that their improved plan gets deployed, and the team uses it to deal with contingencies, saving them time and money. Her Commander’s Intent, fully understood by the team, guides their success at all levels as they innovate and execute without wasting time asking for approvals.
After its deployment in Iraq, Task Unit Bruiser returns to the US, where Babin is angered by criticism of the SEALs’ work and sacrifices, issued from media pundits and soldiers far removed from the fighting. Some call the Ramadi sniper operations “whac-a-mole” (225). Politicians declare that killing enemy soldiers creates more enemies; Babin believes those deaths prevent even more casualties and help return Iraqi territory to its citizens.
At the request of the chief of Naval operations, Willink prepares a PowerPoint lecture that shows how the Army’s plan to retake Ramadi, supported by SEAL teams, pushed back the al Qaeda forces until civilians joined in the effort and the city was liberated. Babin realizes he’d never fully understood the campaign’s true effect, and both men realize they’d never fully briefed their team members on the importance of the campaign.
Babin also sees that the least-inspired team members didn’t really understand the mission, while the most-inspired troops had a better grasp. In a business environment, leaders must make the mission clear to everyone so that those engaged in the minute details fully understand their purpose, can make better judgments, and work harder because they’re inspired by the “big picture.”
Business leaders also must make clear their desired end state, repeat it often, and resolve any questions about a team member’s contribution to that purpose. “This is what leading down the chain of command is all about” (230).
In Ramadi, Babin vents to Willink about the last-minute questions their commanding officers keep sending. Willink, too, feels frustrated, but he reminds Babin that the CO’s team wants to support the mission, doesn’t understand everything happening in the field, and must get approvals from higher-ups. If the SEAL team gets barraged with questions, it’s the team leader’s job to communicate better with the CO. Getting good information to the CO is part of a leader taking Extreme Ownership and leading up the chain of command. This is done tactfully and with a view to supporting the higher-up’s needs and wants. Projects get approved much more easily if leaders send in thorough reports, invite higher-ups along on missions, and answer all their questions.
Babin later explains this to the manager of a field leadership team in a company whose main office is hundreds of miles away. The manager chafes at the barrage of questions from his bosses; Babin says they’re not trying to sabotage him, and they’re not incompetent, but they need more information. If they’re bugging the manager, it’s his fault because he hasn’t communicated the things they need to know. If he’s not sure why they’re asking the questions, he can ask them for clarification. The manager does so, and he brings senior leaders out for a visit that improves communication and camaraderie. He thereby learns to lead up the chain.
Early on the morning of a big push to clear a neighborhood, Babin’s sniper Chris Kyle sees a man at a window with a scoped rifle. The man recedes into the darkness of the room. Kyle can’t positively ID the man as a hostile sniper. Babin reports in to central command, asking if they have anyone in the building they’re observing; the Army CO replies that they don’t and recommends that Babin’s team take out the sniper.
Something doesn’t feel right to both Kyle and Babin, and Babin radios a request that the Army CO order troops to re-clear the building that contains the sniper. Frustrated by the delay but trusting Babin, the CO complies, and US troops hurry across the street to the building. At that moment, Kyle and Babin know they’ve made a mistake: They’re watching a different building. The US troops are recalled, and a friendly sniper’s life is saved.
Babin realizes that if he’d rushed to judgment, a US serviceman would be dead, Babin’s career would be over, and all the SEALs’ good work thus far in Ramadi would be undone. Instead, he decisively holds his ground under conditions of uncertainty, and it‘s the right call.
A successful software company’s engineering subsidiary faces a daunting challenge: Two of its lead engineers are feuding, each blaming the other, demanding they be fired, and claiming the other is entertaining outside job offers in the highly competitive industry. Despite her best efforts, engineering CEO Darla can’t get them to set aside their animosity. She tells Willink and Babin that firing either one will be costly, and she doesn’t know which to trust, so she’ll simply wait until one of them leaves.
Willink suggests she fire them both—“These guys are cancers. Their destructive attitudes will metastasize within the team and spread to others” (261)—and then promote new leaders from within the teams. Darla agrees; the feuding engineers are quickly sent packing and replaced, and cooperation returns to the firm.
On their first Iraq deployment, Babin’s SEAL platoon conducts many nighttime “capture/kill” operations that target suspicious buildings for terrorists, their weapons, and other evidence. Captured enemy soldiers are interrogated and sent to Iraqi detainment centers for further processing. The SEALs at first ransack these buildings in a search for weaponry, but this is inefficient, time-consuming, misses important evidence, and fails to impress the new US-backed Iraqi court system.
Babin tasks his assistant commander to prepare a new search protocol. The plan puts individual SEALs in charge of each room in a building; this “room owner” bags and notates every piece of evidence; other SEALs draw a floor plan or videotape everything. Back at base, the building’s layout is reproduced with tape on a floor and all bagged evidence placed where it was found in each room. The entire process is simple and quick.
On hearing this new procedure, most of the team grumbles, but they rehearse it a few times and find that it takes 10 to 20 minutes instead of 45, less evidence gets missed, evidence quality goes way up, and the team reduces its exposure to counterattack. On missions, the system lets SEALs complete multiple such operations per night. “Our freedom to operate and maneuver had increased substantially through disciplined procedures. Discipline equals freedom” (270).
Discipline marks the exceptional SEALs from the good ones. Organized preparation frees them to innovate as needed in the field, and teams can make better use of Decentralized Command. The trick is to balance discipline with freedom.
Some leaders get bogged down in the rules and can’t adapt when situations change; some become overbearing and squelch good ideas from below. Instead, good leaders find the right blend. They are calm, not robotic; confident, not cocky; brave, not foolhardy; competitive, yet gracious; attentive to details, not obsessed by them; strong but not over-extended; humble, not passive; friendly but not too close; in charge but delegating; respected but not trying to prove it.
Willink consults with a firm whose electrical contracting division is bleeding money. Division head Mike is longtime friends with CEO Andy, who defends him by saying it’ll take time for the division to make money. Willink presses him, and Andy admits this might take years but that he feels an allegiance to Mike. Willink points out that Andy has prioritized a friendship over the firm’s success. He adds that sometimes a sinking ship must close and lock hatches on trapped men, drowning them to save everyone else. Andy finally gives the ax to the electrical division; he also manages to save Mike’s career by placing him in another department where he does well.
Leaders aren’t born; they’re trained. The best have the courage to accept good ideas from the rank and file. The leader’s purpose is to train junior leaders to be so good at their jobs that they replace the leader, who then moves up the ladder. None of these truths are new; some are thousands of years old.
Leadership is both an art and a science, and leaders will make mistakes. Humbly owning and fixing those errors is the sign of a respected, effective leader. Leadership is the most rewarding human activity and well worth the effort.
The authors answer podcast listeners’ questions about leadership. To aspiring leaders, Willink advises being humble, respectful, and to listen, which builds relationships, the core activity of life. Leaders always should be tactful but straightforward; shading the truth gets detected, and followers lose respect. Take ownership, get it done, and give the credit to the team. Leaders aren’t bosses; they’re relationship builders.
Some new leaders fear they’ll be found out as imposters. In fact, it’s fine not to know everything, as long as they ask good questions, listen to the answers, and study the topic. They then make thoughtful decisions and don’t micromanage. Above all, they mustn’t hide their ignorance. The team will help honest leaders.
Babin says hard conversations need indirect methods, in the manner of jiu-jitsu, so it’s wise to take an unexpected approach. This process requires practice; SEALs practice everything, because even simple processes, like dismounting from a transport vehicle, can go wrong. With tough conversations, role-play easy scenarios before working up to worst-case encounters.
For teams stuck with weak leaders, Willink suggests they lead the leader. Especially, they should accept blame if the leader blames them unless it’s an out-and-out lie; this impresses higher-ups, who’ll note who’s really leading the team. Rather than stealing the boss’ thunder, wise junior leaders should hand them ideas by asking for guidance on the ideas and giving them the credit for the success. They must use caution because insecure bosses may undercut a strong lieutenant. Those bosses should instead learn from team members who step up, and then encourage rising leaders.
Willink also admits that sometimes micromanaging does work, especially with team members who falter; once they’re back on track, micromanaging should cease. The same rule applies when teaching. Faced with a full-time micromanager, team members should give them more information than they want; this will ease their minds.
Good leaders own their mistakes, admit what they don’t know, and always are honest; otherwise, they lose their team’s respect. As leaders learn, they’ll find areas they love—Babin loves to shoot—but as leaders, they must “detach” from over-involvement in specifics and instead focus on the big picture.
A leader is responsible for a team’s success and thus must refuse to obey the rare bad or catastrophic order and, as needed, accept punishment. It helps to be otherwise thoroughly good at obeying orders, including paperwork; this will minimize the damage from above if and when a leader must disobey.
Part 3 includes several ideas that complement the effective leadership skills presented earlier in the book. The Afterword sums up the book’s general principles, and the Appendix answers questions, further fleshing out some of the book’s concepts.
Several times in Extreme Ownership, the authors mourn the three SEALs who die during the Ramadi campaign. With a full crew of 32, Task Unit Bruiser loses roughly 10% of its members during the Battle of Ramadi. This isn’t too far off from typical military casualties in history. Though SEALs are highly trained and therefore might be expected to survive better than general infantry troops, their work is in vastly more dangerous environments than most soldiers face. Thus, it‘s possible that their losses are unusually low, given the extreme danger of their profession.
The deaths devastate the team, especially Willink and Babin, who feel personally responsible. It’s a tragic tribute to their extensive training, long working relationships, and resulting warrior brotherhood that these losses are so profound to the team. The SEAL system, especially its implementation by Willink, works in part because of such close cooperation and interdependence.
Nothing, not even paperwork, escapes the relentless grinding of Willink’s success system, and this can be especially helpful in the business world. When the home office peppers a manager with questions, it’s easy for that manager to get mad at them, but when a manager realizes it’s her responsibility to make things clear to them, she is much more powerful. She possesses the knowledge they need to approve her plans; it’s in her hands whether, how soon, and how thoroughly those plans get approved. Most of the stumbling blocks get removed when she masters the art of giving clear information on the hows and whys of her project. If she can show them that it will improve their bottom line, they’ll find it hard to resist her requests.
All SEALs are men, but the book’s principles apply equally to women and men who lead. The authors mention businesswomen for whom they’ve consulted, including Chapter 11’s CEO of an engineering firm who takes the decisive step of firing two of her lead engineers when their ongoing feud damages company prospects.
After the final lesson on business applications at the end of Chapter 12, the book ends abruptly. That chapter, “The Dichotomy of Leadership,” has since been fleshed out into a separate book by Willink and Babin. (See The Dichotomy of Leadership in “Further Reading and Resources” below.) The second edition of Extreme Ownership adds an afterword that offers a quick summary of the book’s main principles; this provides an improved closure to the book.
It’s remarkable that a group of trained fighters should stress humility, cooperation, strong communication, and harmony. Back in civilian life, such people can do great things in support of peace and prosperity. That the authors do so as business consultants evinces the power of their techniques to solve problems within teams whose purposes are, even if competitive, ultimately valuable and useful to societies during peacetime. Good leadership, well executed, can lead to prosperity just as easily as it can orchestrate the destruction of an enemy. It all depends on how it’s used.