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Charles DickensA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Content Warning: This section references child abuse, sexual harassment, and suicide.
Some decades before the main narrative takes place, a “gentleman” named Godfrey Nickleby finally gets married. However, his financial situation is unstable, and when his wife bears him two sons, money becomes even more necessary. Godfrey unexpectedly inherits some money and a little bit of property after his uncle, Ralph, dies. Godfrey uses the inheritance to establish a modest but stable farm in Devonshire. When he dies, he leaves the farm to his son Nicholas while splitting his money between Nicholas and his other son, Ralph. After their father’s death, Ralph and Nicholas grow distant. Ralph speculates with his money while Nicholas maintains the farm and gets married. Nicholas’s growing family quickly overwhelms his finances, so his wife encourages him to speculate to raise more money for their children’s futures. Nicholas loses all his money in a bad venture.
Ralph Nickleby has done well for himself, though no one can pinpoint if he works or how he maintains his lifestyle. Ralph employs a former gentleman, Newman Noggs, whom Ralph hired when Newman sought Ralph’s help getting out of debt. Most people don’t know that Ralph pays Newman a pitiably low salary or that Ralph relies on Newman to keep his business secrets.
Ralph and his associate, Mr. Bonney, discuss the United Metropolitan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet Baking and Punctual Delivery Company. Ralph has invested in this company, and he hopes to make a profit by driving up the company’s value and then selling his shares. Together, the men attend a committee meeting with members of Parliament. The committee, led by Sir Matthew Pupker, is advocating for Parliament to help United Metropolitan by granting it a monopoly on the muffin business. United Metropolitan accuses other muffin businesses of abusing their delivery boys and failing to promote muffin consumption as widely as possible. The committee secures emotional promises of support from members of Parliament.
Newman delivers a message to Ralph about his brother, Nicholas. Newman’s expressions are difficult to read, but the message explains that Ralph’s brother has died. Nicholas has left behind one son, one daughter, and a widow, all of whom are now in London.
Ralph visits the grieving family at the address they left for him. They are currently renting a floor in a woman’s apartment. Ralph warns the woman against renting out to the recent widow and her children, saying she likely won’t be able to pay her. Then Ralph goes to his sister-in-law’s floor and meets his 18-year-old nephew, Nicholas, and his niece, Kate, for the first time. Ralph mocks his sister-in-law’s claim that her husband died of a broken heart, offending Nicholas. Nicholas’s mother explains that her husband’s dying wish was for her to ask Ralph for financial help for her children. Ralph recommends Nicholas take a job as an assistant to Mr. Wackford Squeers of the Squeers Academy in Yorkshire. Nicholas agrees that getting a job with Mr. Squeers might lead to other opportunities that could save his family from destitution and tries to set his initial distaste for Ralph aside; he leaves with his uncle to speak to Mr. Squeers. In private, Mrs. Nickleby assures Kate that Ralph must be kinder than he seems; she has begun to believe Ralph’s hints that her husband (his brother) did her wrong by leading her into financial ruin.
Mr. Squeers is currently in London to collect some boys who will be attending his school. Mr. Squeers is portrayed as “sinister” and “villainous” due to having one eye, flat hair, and a wrinkled face. He makes a little boy who is in his care cry and meets with a man who recently attained stepsons through marriage and wants to send the children away. Mr. Squeers does not hide the fact that his school cares little for the boys’ well-being, and he assures the new stepfather that there are no school breaks during which the boys could go home.
Ralph and Nicholas arrive, and Mr. Squeers recognizes Ralph because Ralph once funded the tuition of a boy who died at Mr. Squeers’s school. Nicholas gets the job, and Ralph sends him on an errand to his office, where Nicholas meets Newton Noggs. When Newton hears about how Ralph has set up Nicholas, he acts so strangely that Nicholas assumes he is drunk.
On the morning of his departure from London, Nicholas joins Mr. Squeers at the latter’s inn for breakfast. The meal is awkward because Mr. Squeers refers to the new students by number and doesn’t allow them to eat. Nicholas is surprised by the arrival of his mother and sister, who want to say another goodbye. Mr. Squeers comments on Kate’s beauty, angering Nicholas. Nicholas, Mr. Squeers, and the new pupils leave for the school, but that night their carriage topples over amid bad weather.
Nicholas saves the other carriage passengers by ensuring that the horses still harnessed to the toppled carriage don’t try to run away. Some people sustain minor injuries, but no one is hurt too badly. The passengers walk to a nearby boarding house. They share a bowl of punch, and two of the passengers trade stories. The carriage is repaired and made ready, and the passengers continue their journey.
Nicholas, the new pupils, and Mr. Squeers arrive at the school. Nicholas experiences anxiety when he realizes “[h]is great distance from home and the impossibility of reaching it, except on foot, should he feel ever so anxious to return” (128-29). Mr. Squeers and his wife give Nicholas dinner and prepare a bed for him. While doing so, they yell at a young man who works for them, Smike, and Nicholas notices that he is underdressed and looks frightened and in poor health. Undressing for the night, Nicholas finds a letter Noggs stashed in his coat pocket before he left London; in it, Noggs offers his home as a refuge.
The next morning, Mr. Squeers wakes Nicholas, and Nicholas realizes that Mr. and Mrs. Squeers view their pupils primarily as enemies and sources of income. Mr. Squeers brings Nicholas to the schoolhouse, and Nicholas is shocked. The classroom itself is run down with old papers covering broken windows. The boys are underfed, injured, and have a vacant look in their eyes. The whole setting is reminiscent of a prison. The morning passes with lessons in spelling, during which Mr. Squeers misspells several words. That afternoon, Mr. Squeers describes his trip to London, which includes reading letters from the boys’ families aloud and berating those whose parents or guardians are behind on tuition. He beats a boy with a cane when the boy’s wart-covered hands brush against Mr. Squeers’s sleeve. Mr. Squeers keeps any gifts that are sent to the boys for himself. Nicholas resolves to make the best of the situation for the good of his family, but he worries that his uncle will set Kate up in a similarly miserable job.
That evening, Nicholas chats with Smike, who is scared of him. Smike reveals that he’s been at the school since childhood and recalls holding a friend and fellow student as he died.
While the boys and Nicholas sleep in a crowded dormitory, Mr. Squeers enjoys a private apartment with his wife and adult children. Mrs. Squeers declares that she hates Nicholas. Mr. Squeers explains that he needs an assistant—a position he compares to an overseer of enslaved people.
Mr. Squeers’s daughter, Fanny, is 23 years old and unwed, so the conversation about a young man piques her interest. She goes to the schoolhouse pretending to need a pen so she can meet Nicholas, whom she finds very handsome. Fanny soon tells her best friend, Tilda, about how infatuated she is with him. She makes up conversations between her and Nicholas to make it seem that Nicholas is courting her.
Fanny plans a tea for Tilda and Tilda’s fiancé, John, and arranges for Nicholas to attend. John jokes that Nicholas won’t get fed much at the school, which offends Nicholas. Tilda makes several innuendos about Nicholas’s relationship with Fanny, which confuses him. Nicholas is too well-mannered not to participate in tea and a card game, but when he leaves Tilda and Fanny get into an argument about the gathering.
Kate sits for a portrait by her landlord, Miss La Creevy. They discuss Kate’s prospects, and Miss La Creevy suggests that Kate’s uncle can fund a dowry. Kate rejects the idea of marriage and declares that the only thing she needs from Ralph is help finding a job that can enable her to keep living with her mother. Nevertheless, she tries to excuse Ralph’s “rough” manner, saying there are rumors he experienced a “disappointment” as a young man.
They are interrupted by Ralph, who seems to have overheard their conversation. Ralph has a job lined up for Kate with a dressmaker and milliner named Madame Mantalini, whom he takes Kate to meet. They also encounter Madame Mantalini’s husband, who makes a crude comment about the beauty of the women who work for Madame Mantalini. The pay isn’t great, but Kate accepts the job. Ralph decides to put up Kate and her mother in an empty house that he owns.
Newman Noggs brings Kate and her mother to their new home. Though the house is large, it is clearly unkept. It’s messy and rundown, making Kate nervous. Noggs has found furniture for them as well, and he doesn’t correct Mrs. Nickleby when she notes that Ralph was kind to give them both the house and the furniture.
Fanny’s servant, Phoebe, remarks that Tilda isn’t a good friend and that Tilda’s fiancé would leave Tilda for Fanny if he had the chance. Fanny is pleased by this idea but then hears from Tilda that she and John will marry in three weeks. Fanny initially blames Tilda and John for ruining things between her and Nicholas, but the friends later make up.
They run into Nicholas while he is out walking, and Tilda confronts him about his feelings for Fanny. Nicholas assures her that he’s not in love with Fanny and never has been interested in a relationship with her. This hurts Fanny’s pride, and she urges her mother to treat Nicholas even more cruelly. Things get so bad that Smike is beaten for being friends with Nicholas. Nicholas encourages Smike to leave.
The morning after Nicholas’s conversation with Smike about leaving, Mr. Squeers can’t find Smike anywhere and concludes that Smike has run away without money or a place to go. Mr. and Mrs. Squeers try to find him, and the latter eventually succeeds, bringing him back bound with rope. Mr. Squeers whips him in front of the entire school. Nicholas can’t stand watching the beating and stands up for Smike. Mr. Squeers punches Nicholas, so Nicholas grabs the whip and hits Mr. Squeers with it. While Mr. Squeers’s family attends to his injuries, Nicholas packs his clothes and leaves the school. He is very far from London but resolves to walk back to his family. On the way, he runs into John, who is impressed that Nicholas whipped the schoolmaster. John insists on giving Nicholas some money. Nicholas continues his journey and stops in a cottage for the night. When he wakes up, he sees Smike in his room. Smike has followed Nicholas and wants to remain with him.
The first chapters of Nicholas Nickleby introduce a host of characters who are juxtaposed in their moral and immoral extremes. The first character whose morality is called into question is Ralph Nickleby. Ralph is wealthy, but the novel implies that his business dealings are shady; no one knows exactly what Ralph does to make money. Furthermore, Ralph’s clerk came into his employment under less than voluntary circumstances, illustrating how Ralph uses money to flex his control. This willingness to “buy” people, particularly those in desperate circumstances, characterizes Ralph as manipulative, uncaring, and amoral. In a novel that stresses The Importance of Family, Ralph’s resentment of his dead brother is also suspect, particularly because the elder Nicholas Nickleby did nothing to offend Ralph. What offends Ralph is rather the idea that his brother squandered his fortune—something Ralph, who prizes both wealth and his own shrewd business dealings, would presumably never do. However, Nicholas was not a careless spender but rather an honest man who tried to invest his money and failed; his failure itself indicates his goodness, as he lacked his brother’s cold cunning. Ralph’s resentment further extends to his brother’s family, whom he derides as impoverished even as they mourn their husband and father’s death. Although Ralph sets Kate and Nicholas up with jobs and a place to live, these gifts reflect a bare minimum of effort and seem more of an attempt to divest himself of responsibility than a show of compassion. Ralph therefore emerges as the first antagonist in this novel.
Ralph, however, is a symptom of a broader issue—not just greed, but the beginnings of modern corporate capitalism, from profiteering to irresponsible speculation. Among Ralph’s ventures is the “United Metropolitan Improved Hot Muffin and Crumpet Baking and Delivery Company,” and he uses his proximity to government power to secure a monopoly for the company. The emotional commitment of politicians to this plan is satirical. The muffin shortage that the politicians bewail is hardly the most important social problem facing Dickens’s England, and the professed concern for the abuse of delivery boys is a front. Even expanding the company’s consumer base is a sideshow for Ralph, whose primary concern is inflating the value of his stocks. The company resembles a “joint stock” venture: a kind of government-backed monopoly that had been responsible for several economic bubbles and collapses by the time of Nicholas Nickleby’s publication.
Mr. Squeers is another classic Dickensian antagonist. Much of Dickens’s work is concerned with the abuse of children, whose dependent state and lack of political voice make them the ultimate victims of societal problems. In Mr. Squeers’s school, the children live in squalor and are not cared for, emotionally or physically. Their parents are either aware of Mr. Squeers’s methods and don’t care or are unaware and have no other option but to send their children to him. Like Ralph, Mr. Squeers preys on the vulnerable, making money off of the pressures parents are under. He and his wife are a team of terror; they beat their servants and their pupils and keep any material pleasures for themselves. Mr. Squeers even likens his pupils to enslaved people, emphasizing his dehumanization of the children.
Dickens often—though not always—uses physical descriptions as indicators of character: Mr. Squeers is described as so “ugly” as to be “disturbing” in appearance, paralleling his “twisted” personality. By contrast, Nicholas Nickleby and his sister Kate are both physically attractive, and this external beauty echoes their internal goodness. Thanks to his proximity to Mr. Squeers, Nicholas in particular provides a clear point of comparison not only physically but morally. Nicholas endures trials for the good of his family, highlighting his loyalty, patience, resilience, and responsibility. He is not easily distracted from his resolutions by people like Fanny, who live privileged lives and can therefore afford to invent frivolous dramas. Most importantly, Nicholas has a well-defined sense of justice. This leads him to stand up for Smike, who is a shell of a person thanks to years of abuse at the hands of the Squeers. Nicholas’s whipping of Mr. Squeers is a heroic moment in which he turns Mr. Squeers’s own methods against him, metaphorically stripping Mr. Squeers of his tyrannical power in front of an audience of his abused pupils. The fact that doing so means sacrificing his own livelihood makes the action even more impressive, emphasizing the dichotomy between selfishness and kindness. Dickens’s hero embraces compassion and selflessness, making him poorer in wealth but richer in character than people like Mr. Squeers.
The other conflict introduced in these chapters is the question of Kate’s fate. As an unmarried and relatively impoverished young woman in 19th-century England, Kate’s life depends on the whims of men, many of whom remark on Kate’s beauty in ways that imply lasciviousness. Kate’s predicament demonstrates the vulnerability of women and the ease with which powerful men in a patriarchal society can demean women.
By Charles Dickens
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