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Charles DickensA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
John invites Nicholas to dinner at an inn. Nicholas is grateful to John for saving Smike and ready to make amends with Fanny Squeers. Mr. Squeers walks in on their dinner and accuses Nicholas of kidnapping and John of helping him, but Nicholas is no longer afraid of his influence.
After dinner, Nicholas and John help break up a fight at the inn. The fight is between two young men, one of whom insulted a woman. Nicholas is surprised to discover that the man who had disrespected the woman is the clerk from the register office, while the woman’s defender is Frank Cheeryble, Mr. Cheeryble’s nephew. Nicholas wonders if Frank knows anything about the mysterious woman whom Nicholas is in love with.
Charles Cheeryble, wanting to make sure that the cottage he rents to Nicholas is comfortable, invites himself over. As the Nicklebys prepare for his visit, Kate reveals to her mother that she often thinks of her dead father. Mrs. Nickleby is moved by her daughter’s tears and reflects that she hasn’t been paying attention to Kate’s emotional health. Charles and Frank visit, and they all enjoy a beautiful evening together.
Ralph is shocked to learn that Sir Mulberry Hawk has gone to convalesce abroad. He reflects that Nicholas is lucky that Sir Mulberry isn’t around to avenge his attack, but he believes (and hopes) that eventually Sir Mulberry will return, his pride still hurt.
On his way home from various business meetings, Ralph runs into an old associate, Mr. Brooker, who blames Ralph for his current poverty. Ralph is unconcerned and tells him to find work, refusing to help even when Mr. Brooker threatens to reveal some damaging information about Ralph. Ralph then passes by the Mantalinis and discovers the odd scene of Mr. Mantalini prostrate on the floor, pretending to be dying, while Madame Mantalini demands a separation from him. Ralph advises Mr. Mantalini to find another way to support himself, as his attempts to manipulate and cajole his wife no longer seem to be working, and then returns home.
Nicholas invites John and Tilda to his house for tea. They are all surprised when Ralph shows up uninvited with Mr. Squeers and Mr. Snawley, one of Mr. Squeers’s patrons. They claim that Mr. Snawley is Smike’s father and are here to reclaim Smike. Nicholas doesn’t believe their story, but they claim to have documents to prove it. Nicholas refuses to let the men take away Smike, who manages to wriggle out of Snawley’s grasp. Before he leaves with Mr. Squeers and Mr. Snawley, Ralph threatens Nicholas: “I’ll prove you, and break your haughty spirit” (913).
Nicholas seeks Charles Cheeryble’s advice about Smike and his supposed father; he says that Smike’s obvious fear of Snawley proves that Snawley is not his father, with Snawley’s uncaring nature as evidence. Charles believes that nature is beside the point, as cruelty can destroy even “natural” affection, and lends his support to Nicholas. He also reveals that Ralph has tried to complain to him about Nicholas, but Charles refuses to be swayed in his opinion. Charles then employs Nicholas on an important but secretive favor. The young woman whom Nicholas saw faint in Charles’s office is the daughter of a woman Charles was once in love with. This woman died in poverty after marrying a man who ruined her. Her daughter, Madeline, still stands by her father, and Charles helps her whenever he can. Charles needs Nicholas to deliver money to her without causing a scene, because her father wouldn’t approve of Charles’s help.
Nicholas meets Madeline and her father. He pretends he’s a caller for Madeline, and Madeline plays along. Privately, Nicholas promises her he’s her “faithful servant, humbly devoted to [her] from this hour” (934).
An older, wealthy man named Arthur Gride visits Ralph Nickleby. Arthur and Ralph know Madeline and her father, who owes Ralph money. Arthur wants to marry Madeline and proposes that Ralph can help him. Ralph agrees to help Arthur approach Madeline’s father and also to provide a dowry on loan. Newman Noggs overhears this conversation and, knowing the kind of man Arthur Gride is, feels sorry for this girl named Madeline.
Ralph and Arthur visit Madeline’s father, Mr. Bray. They propose an engagement between Arthur and Madeline, but Mr. Bray says the decision is Madeline’s.
After visiting with Madeline, Nicholas becomes darkly pensive. He is cheered up when he passes a theater promoting Vincent Crummles. He meets with Crummles, and both are happy to reunite. Mr. Crummles gives Nicholas the news that he’s traveling to America to perform.
Smike’s health is not good, and Nicholas begins to fear he may have tuberculosis. The doctor he consults is uncertain of the diagnosis, but in the meantime, Mrs. Nickleby and Kate take care of Smike. The Cheeryble brothers and Frank often visit the cottage, and when Mrs. Nickleby mentions the latter’s visits, Kate grows flustered.
One day, Kate and Mrs. Nickleby are visited by Miss La Creevy; Frank and Tim Linkinwater arrive soon after. Tim and Miss La Creevy flirt, but Kate is unusually reserved. They hear a thudding noise and discover that the neighbor is in the house, extolling Mrs. Nickleby’s virtues, which embarrasses her. Nicholas returns to the cottage sometime after the guests leave and finds Kate lost in thought. He also discovers that Smike has not gone to bed; when Nicholas presses him on the need to rest and asks why he couldn’t sleep, Smike promises to tell him some other time.
Sir Mulberry and Lord Frederick Verisopht attend a horse race, back in London after their trip abroad. Sir Mulberry is still angry at Nicholas, and Lord Verisopht still wants to talk him out of continuing the fight. Sir Mulberry and Lord Verisopht get into an argument that leads to a supervised gun duel, during which Sir Mulberry shoots and kills Lord Verisopht.
Newman Noggs passes a note from Ralph to Arthur Gride: It advises Arthur to stop visiting Madeline because his visits bother her and undermine his goal of marrying her. Newman then visits with Nicholas, who is happy to tell Newman that he’s discovered the name of the mysterious woman he’s in love with: Madeline Bray. Newman tell Nicholas about Arthur Gride’s plan to marry Madeline, and Nicholas, furious, runs off to stop the plan.
Newman catches up to Nicholas and convinces him not to do anything rash. Then, Newman goes to the hairdresser with the Kenwigs and their older daughter so that she can sell her hair. Mr. Lillyvick arrives unexpectedly. His family’s despair and resentment over his marriage have caused him a lot of pain, and Henrietta has left him for another man. He intends to set up an account for his family so they don’t have to wait to benefit from his will.
Nicholas meets with Madeline and begs her not to marry Arthur. Madeline admits that she’s not in love with Arthur; she doesn’t even like him. However, the marriage will give her father financial security, and she sees it as a duty.
Nicholas confronts Arthur at his home. He accuses Arthur of being selfish and duplicitous in his affairs with the Bray family.
The next day, Madeline and Arthur both feel conflicted about getting married—Madeline because she doesn’t want to, and Arthur because he is frightened and jealous of Nicholas. Ralph and Arthur show up for the small wedding, and Arthur tells Ralph about the mysterious young man who confronted him the night before, not realizing that the young man was Ralph’s nephew. Ralph and Mr. Bray discuss the marriage; Mr. Bray feels it is cruel to marry Madeline to a much older man, but Ralph sees the whole marriage as a financial transaction and points out that she will likely soon be a wealthy widow. Nicholas and Kate arrive to stop the wedding. As they argue with Ralph, Arthur grows increasingly nervous. They hear a scream and rush to help. Mr. Bray has suddenly died. Nicholas and Kate take Madeline away with them.
Kate helps nurse Madeline through her shock and grief. The Cheeryble brothers are pleased to hear that Nicholas saved Madeline from certain unhappiness. Meanwhile, Mrs. Nickleby has become certain that Frank Cheeryble is in love with Kate. She brings this up to Nicholas, who approves of Frank but worries that a relationship between Kate and Frank will raise suspicion that the Nicklebys are trying to get Frank’s money. Smike’s health worsens, and the doctor advises Nicholas to bring Smike to the countryside, where he will die peacefully, away from the smog of London.
Nicholas Nickleby’s characterization as a hero is confirmed through his moral commitment to save Madeline, a woman threatened by a patriarchal society. Like Nicholas’s sister Kate, Madeline is a subject of male desire whose precarious financial situation renders her more vulnerable. She has little choice or autonomy: She doesn’t want to marry Arthur but feels she must out of duty to her impoverished and sick father. Her willingness to sacrifice herself makes her a model Victorian woman, but it also victimizes her. She is only saved due to Nicholas’s intervention and (ironically) her father’s death, the latter of which removes her only motivation to marry Arthur.
Arthur Gride’s coldness and greed are similar to Ralph’s, but he combines economic exploitation with sexual exploitation, leveraging the threat of Mr. Bray’s debt to effectively buy Madeline. His secret scheme to secure Madeline’s inheritance for himself cements his villainy and develops the theme of Greed Versus Love. Ralph likewise sees the situation as a transaction to facilitate. He can’t see Madeline through the same lens he sees his niece, even though Madeline’s situation parallels Kate’s in many ways. Ralph’s involvement also necessarily pits him against Nicholas, who is in love with Madeline, further positioning him as the novel’s primary antagonist.
Ralph is not the only antagonist Nicholas must contend with. Sir Mulberry Hawk has returned to England, still resentful of his fight with Nicholas, and eventually kills Lord Verisopht in a duel: He is so morally corrupt that he will kill even his own friend.
Meanwhile, Dickens develops his critique of society broadly—in particular, the desperation that a broken system of capitalism can engender in individuals. Many characters in this novel are impoverished or on the brink of poverty; financial security directly impacts their health, their motivations, and their relationships with other people. Ralph grows rich from lending and collecting money to such people, who have few other avenues open to them. In the 19th century, credit cards didn’t exist and banks were strict about the loans they gave out. Jobs frequently did not pay enough to establish (or reestablish) financial security. Thus, people relied on lenders like Ralph, who preyed on their need and leveraged the threat of debtors’ prison to ensure their compliance.
In these chapters, the Nickleby cottage becomes a symbolic refuge for everyone. Smike is safe there, and Madeline also finds refuge there. People enjoy coming over to visit, and Kate and her mother’s devotion to their new home creates an atmosphere of peace and joy. It is a welcome respite from the grind of London and the stresses of society. This is the way home is “supposed” to function in Victorian ideology: as a world apart from the greed and ambition of society at large, and as an extension of the family’s (especially the wife’s/mother’s) self-respect, fortitude, and good values. Further, because many people stay with the Nicklebys, the cottage illustrates the tendency of generosity to compound on itself. The Cheerybles provided it to the Nicklebys, who now extend a similar kindness to others.
However, even the cottage is not enough protection for Smike. Smike’s health has always been poor due to his years of neglect and abuse. The appearance of his so-called father (a dubious claim) and the threat of having to return to his former life make Smike even sicker. His illness turns into a long and slow march toward certain death, emphasizing what happens when society turns its back on vulnerable children. The kindness of the Nickleby family comes too late to save Smike’s life, and although the novel generally suggests that Justice Will Prevail, Smike is a reminder that individual generosity cannot solve every social ill.
By Charles Dickens
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