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Charles DickensA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Ralph and Arthur go to Arthur’s house, where Arthur’s servant Peg is missing. Arthur discovers that Peg has stolen important papers and deeds, ruining him financially. Ralph urges Arthur to notify the police, but Arthur says that he can’t, implying that he’ll be arrested if the papers come to light.
Ralph returns to his office and sends for Mr. Squeers. When Mr. Squeers arrives, it emerges that Ralph paid Mr. Snawley to pretend to be Smike’s father: Both Squeers and Ralph wanted to kidnap Smike to get back at Nicholas. Ralph points out that Mr. Squeers is in no danger if the plan is revealed, as he has only testified to actual events—e.g., Smike’s presence at his school. It is also revealed that one of Arthur’s stolen papers is a deed to a lavish house that Madeline stands to inherit. Ralph wonders if Nicholas helped Peg steal the deeds. Ralph employs Mr. Squeers’s help to track down the deed and burn it in front of Nicholas, assuming Nicholas is interested in Madeline for her inheritance.
Mr. Squeers tracks down Peg and befriends her. He convinces her to burn the evidence of her robbery. Together, they go to her room and start destroying the documents she stole from Arthur. They’re so excited that they don’t notice Newman Noggs and Frank Cheeryble enter. When Mr. Squeers finds the deed in Madeline’s name, he puts it in his coat pocket, and Newman and Frank descend upon him.
Nicholas brings Smike to Nicholas’s hometown in Yorkshire. Despite the sadness of their journey, Nicholas is happy to show Smike where he played as a boy and promises to bury him under Nicholas’s favorite tree. Smike admits that he’s in love with Kate and then dies in peace, with Nicholas by his side.
Ralph is deeply bothered by his recent failures. He can’t find Newman Noggs and is unpleasantly surprised by a visit from Charles Cheeryble, with whom he refuses to talk. Ralph also can’t find Mr. Squeers, so he goes to the Cheeryble business house to meet with the brothers. There, they reveal Newman Noggs, who accuses Ralph of taking advantage of his poverty and forcing him to do bad things. The Cheerybles reveal that they know of Ralph’s plan and already have a confession from Mr. Snawley. A judge sent Mr. Squeers to jail for a week when he couldn’t explain why he had Madeline’s deed. They warn Ralph that it is likely he will also be apprehended, but Ralph refuses to be intimidated.
Ralph visits Mr. Squeers at the jail. Mr. Squeers blames Ralph for the trouble he is in and regrets getting involved with him. He vows to pin the blame for his crime on Ralph. Ralph tries to bribe him into secrecy, but Mr. Squeers is too angry to accept.
Later that evening, Tim finds Ralph at home and urgently ushers him to the Cheerybles’. There, they inform him that someone has died; at first, Ralph worries it’s Kate and then hopes it’s Nicholas. When he finds out it’s Smike, he laughs it off. Mr. Brooker steps out from the shadows. Mr. Brooker reveals that Smike was Ralph’s son. A long time ago, Ralph married a woman in secret; if her brother knew she had married without his permission, he would have disinherited her. The two had a child who was likewise raised in secret, far away from Ralph. When Ralph’s wife left him for another man, Mr. Brooker was tasked with getting Smike into Ralph’s custody, but he distrusted Ralph so much that he gave Smike up to Mr. Squeers’s school and told Ralph that his son had died. The story horrifies everyone, including Mr. Brooker, who feels guilty. Ralph disappears from the room.
Nicholas returns home after Smike’s death, which has devastated everyone. Kate admits to Nicholas that she’s in love with Frank but rejected his marriage proposal. Both Kate and Nicholas are worried that the Cheerybles will see their respective romances as attempts to better their socioeconomic station. Nicholas and Kate are heartbroken but vow to stand by each other forever. Nicholas admits his feelings for Madeline and Kate’s feelings for Frank to Charles. He asks that Charles find a new home for Madeline to spare Nicholas the pain of constantly seeing someone he cannot have.
Ralph passes a graveyard on his way home and contemplates death. He is upset by the story of Smike, his long-lost son, now dead. He is most upset that Nicholas was the one who helped Smike and held him as he died. Ralph “seem[s] to remember a time when he was not quite so rough and obdurate” (1225). Ralph is wracked with guilt and dies by suicide.
The Cheeryble brothers invite the Nicklebys, Tim, and Miss La Creevy to their house for dinner. They reveal that Madeline’s deed is actually a will from her grandfather awarding her the small fortune of 12,000 pounds. They express their happiness that Madeline is in love with Nicholas and declare that Nicholas should share in her fortune. They also give their blessing for Frank to marry Kate. Tim proposes marriage to Miss La Creevy, who accepts.
Nicholas has never forgotten John Browdie’s kindness and wants to share his new fortune with him in person. He rides to the countryside to tell John the good news about his engagement to Madeline. He also tells John about the legal trouble Mr. Squeers has gotten into, which includes an investigation into Dotheboys Hall. John goes to the school, which has received word of Mr. Squeers’s arrest. The boys are revolting against Mrs. Squeers, her son, and her daughter. John stops the boys from hurting the Squeers family, and the boys jubilantly run away from the school. John and Tilda help as many boys as they can, but many become vagrants because they have no other home to return to.
Nicholas marries Madeline, Kate marries Frank, and Miss La Creevy marries Tim. Nicholas invests in the Cheeryble firm and becomes a partner in the business. Though Kate and Nicholas could have claimed Ralph’s inheritance after his death, they didn’t want to benefit from his death, so his fortune goes to the state. Arthur Gride is arrested for unlawful possession of Madeline’s will but doesn’t serve time; later, he is murdered in a robbery. Sir Mulberry eventually goes to a debtors’ prison. Mr. Brooker dies impoverished, and no one hears from Peg again.
Nicholas, now a wealthy man, buys his childhood home and revitalizes it. Kate and Nicholas have children, and Mrs. Nickleby spends happy days helping raise them. Nicholas employs Newman to aid him with his business affairs. Smike’s grave is well taken care of and doted over.
The final chapters of Nicholas Nickleby are full of major plot developments and twists. Smike’s death is a tragic ending for an authentically good person. His life was marked by strife until Nicholas found him. With the Nicklebys, Smike enjoyed a short but profound period in which he was safe, happy, and loved. Smike’s sad life culminates in a beautiful countryside grave. Nicholas shares his childhood home with Smike, symbolically hinting at their familial relationship and providing Smike with the childhood he never had. Smike’s death is sad but peaceful. He dies with Nicholas by his side and is remembered and mourned by Nicholas’s family. This is perhaps the kindest outcome available to him, at least within the novel’s framework. Smike’s final resting place contrasts with the imagery of the boys running away from Dotheboys Hall after Mr. Squeers’s ruin. Some of the boys return home, but others have no home to return to, instead roaming the streets and the countryside, alone and helpless. This would certainly have been Smike’s fate if Nicholas hadn’t intervened.
Nicholas and Smike’s connection proves to be more than generosity. The most important plot twist is the revelation of Smike’s origin story. Smike is Nicholas’s cousin, making their close bond and commitment to one another biological as well as social. The Nicklebys acted as the family Smike never had, but it turns out that they are literally the family he never knew.
The revelation of Smike’s story is possible thanks to the vigilante justice of Newman Noggs. Despite the power Ralph holds over him, Newman retains his own moral code and chooses the side of good. He risks his financial stability to aid Nicholas in his endeavors, and his actions also help save Madeline Bray’s fortune and bring Mr. Squeers to justice. Newman Noggs proves that the power of people like Ralph is not absolute; although they can use their authority to coerce people, they cannot force those in their control to sacrifice their ethics.
Ralph himself receives multiple chances at redemption but consistently lets them slip past him. The Cheerybles try to be a moral guide for Ralph, warning him that he is headed toward a fall, but he ignores them. Mr. Brooker’s story lends further insight into Ralph’s corruption—his previous marriage was marred by his greed—but it is also an opportunity to reform. The discovery of Smike’s identity and the revelation of his death (and the role Ralph’s own vindictiveness played in it) cuts Ralph to the core, but it also forces him to reckon with his failings. For the first time, he recognizes that he could have been a different man if he had embraced life with his wife and child. Rather than trying to make amends, however, Ralph projects his self-hatred onto Nicholas. He envies Nicholas for having a relationship with Smike and being with him on his deathbed. This proves ineffective at assuaging Ralph’s guilty conscience, but he has spent too long prizing wealth and power over human connection to accept compassion, which he needs but can only see as a form of surrender. Faced with the prospect of losing his money and reputation and determined to “spurn” any show of kindness, Ralph concludes that he is “trampled down and ruined” and dies by suicide. His ending is tragic but also demonstrates that Justice Will Prevail, as Ralph is ultimately made to feel the pain of what he has sought all along: his isolation, and in particular his rejection of The Importance of Family.
The novel’s secondary antagonists also receive their comeuppance. Sir Mulberry is incarcerated, neutralizing the threat he poses to Nicholas. Mr. Squeers is ruined, which frees the abused boys in his deplorable school. His family must also deal with the students’ revenge, creating a role-reversal in which they suffer at the hands of those they abused. Arthur Gride is murdered by robbers, a literal victim of greed.
Meanwhile, Dickens provides a happy ending for his protagonists. Nicholas and Kate, who mutually agree to repress their feelings for Madeline and Frank, respectively, receive the blessing of the very people they fear to disappoint. The Cheeryble brothers are overjoyed to make them a part of their family. These marriages lead to happy home lives and financial stability, emphasizing Dickens’s message that good things will ultimately come to good people. Kate and Nicholas’s resilience, endurance, and values save them from a lifetime of unhappiness and instability. The novel ends with the image of Smike’s grave, lovingly cultivated by the Nicklebys’ children and enduring well beyond the petty lives of the powerful men who oppressed him.
By Charles Dickens
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