“The Night the Ghost Got In”
- Genre: Short story; humor; semi-autobiographical
- Originally Published: 1933
- Reading Level/Interest: Adult
- Structure/Length: Single short story; approximately 10 pages; approximately 20 minutes on audiobook
- Protagonist/Central Conflict: The protagonist, a version of Thurber himself, narrates a supposed incident of a ghost entering his home one night, leading to comically escalating chaos. The conflict lies in the increasingly absurd and humorous reactions of his family and the local police to the supposed ghost.
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Guide:
- The Unknown and Meaningless
- War’s Effect on the Social Conscience
- Truth Is Subjective
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Guide, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the historical and literary contexts regarding the effects of world wars and the absurdist philosophical movement that developed as a result of the destruction, which incites Thurber’s writing style of his short story.
- Analyze paired texts and other brief resources to make connections via the text’s themes of The Unknown and Meaningless, War’s Effect on the Social Conscience, and Truth Is Subjective.
- Prepare and draft an analytical paper that demonstrates an understanding of how Thurber’s story functions within his semi-autobiographical short story collection, based on text details.